My Reasearch Essay: The Ocean Underdogs: The Dumbo Octopus and the Blobfish


“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides.”

— Jules Verne, Science Fiction Writer

Follow me into the wondrous worlds of two very different creatures… the Dumbo Octopus and the Blobfish. In this paper you will learn all about these cool creatures.


           Dumbo octopus habitat and eating habits

Grimpoteuthis spp, is their more scientific name. They live very close to the bottom of the ocean about 9800 to 13000 ft underwater. The live in the midnight zone or the Bathypelagic Zone. They eat copepods, isopods, bristle worms, and amphipods.They eat their prey whole. They are also known to occasionally eat small fish.

The similarity of the ear-like fins is like the beloved Disney character Dumbo the flying elephant. When they swim their fins move up and down which helps them get places faster. Since the Dumbo Octopus spends most of its life in the great depths, it does not have a lot of predators. Main predators of dumbo octopi are sharks and killer whales.


           Dumbo octopus behavior and body adaptations to survive

This octopus has fins/flippers on its head. It helps them swim/float around the ocean floor. The Dumbo Octopus move their tentacles upward to help them “swim”. They use this ability to get away from predators. There is a sort of web between the tentacles to swim.

The Dumbo octopus swims by flapping its fins, by expanding and contracting its webbed arms, or by shooting water through its funnel. It can use all of these techniques simultaneously or use each one separately. They are good swimmers and are capable of making a quick escape when needed.

Blobfish habitat and eating habits


The Blobfish live around the ocean floor. The Blobfish eats crabs and sea pens and other invertebrates. The Blobfish do not have many predators for they live in the twilight zone and so the Blobfish are the predators.  Some of the other animals that live with Blobfish are the vampire squid, deep sea anglerfish, deep sea dragonfish, gulper eel, giant squid, sperm whale and the sixgill shark.


           Blobfish behavior and body adaptations to survive

The Blobfish has no skeleton and no real muscles. It is made up of a jelly-like substance and gelatinous flesh. They hover above the ocean floor, and they only look like a blob when it is out of water. They are from a family called fatheads. The reason it changes so much in appearance is because of the change in pressure. Out of water, the air pressure decreases a lot and so the blobfish is reduced to a blob. Fun Fact- The Blobfish was voted ugliest animal in 2013.




I hope you enjoyed my essay and I hope you learned something about the Blobfish and Dumbo Octopus. Go home and talk to your family about these fantastic creatures. “The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul.”

— Wyland, Marine Life Artist





“13 of the Ugliest Animals on the Planet.” MNN. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. <>


“14 Blobfish Facts for Kids | Navajo Code Talkers.” Navajo Code Talkers. Web. 07 Mar. 2016. <>.


“Aquarium of the Pacific.” Aquarium of the Pacific. Web. 07 Mar. 2016. <>.


“Blobfish – 10 Facts about the Kings and Queens of Ugly.” Fun Facts You Need to Know. N.p., 2015. Web. 03 May 2016. <>.
“Dumbo Octopuses.” Oceana. Web. 01 Apr. 2016. <>


This Week’s 100 Word Challenge



I was walking through the water and suddenly I saw something. I was hoping it was my Father. He went missing during the war. Oh I wish he would return. But we all know it was probably the Nazis who took my Father. Suddenly It moved again. I quickly move to grab it. It is a bottle. I open the bottle. The message in the bottle says look left. It was a man holding a gun. I quickly dove into the water as he suddenly fired. He went away. I knew they were coming for me and my family. No!!