100 word challenge:Suddenly

I took a walk through the garden in the back of my the castle, flowers brushed my skirt.Suddenly something jumped out of the bushes, ahhh!i screamed.I thought it was the same thing that got my mom.It pushed me into the water my legs felt tingley.Suddenly they glowed and I could breath, I turned into a mermaid.Suddenly I heard a faint crying help help.It sounded like my mom.I swam to it and I saw my mom.She was in a cage,I freed her and when I came up we had a celebration.

The mystery of the big bang

The mystery of the big bang


Did the Big Bang “happen” 14.7 billions years ago? Or did the Big Bang “begin” 14.7 billion years ago?”-Chas Sanford,historian interested in space said.(physics forums),lots of people are wondering what he means,the big bang is very mysterious.


How did it explode and create an entire universe


First there was a clump of particles that got to packed and exploded BOOM.

It turned into a very hot fireball.Eventually the fireball cooled down and and formed tiny pieces called particles.


How did the planets form?


       About 10,000 years ago after the big bang  our sun formed.vast clouds of gas swirling around it became our planets and moons in our solar system after millions of years


   Beginning planets are shaped like disks.Inside those disks there are rocks and dust.The rocks and dust join together to make the earliest planet’s  


What is happening to the planets now

An astronomer named Edwin Hubble noticed that other galaxies were moving away from us. And that’s not all. The farthest galaxies were moving faster than the ones close to us.Some scientists say that the universe will expand and then shrink and then expand and then shrink and then expand and then shrink etc.Today parts of the universe are still forming from dense clumps of gas


That is some facts of the big bang. So many people are studying it.The fact of science is so inspiring.I hope that inspires you to study more  


Darnell, Tony. “DeepAstronomy.com :: What Caused the Big Bang?” DeepAstronomy.com :: What Caused the Big Bang? Web. 07 Mar. 2016. <http://www.deepastronomy.com/what-caused-the-big-bang.html>.


“Planets and How They Formed.” Planets and How They Formed. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. <https://lcogt.net/spacebook/planets-and-how-they-formed/>.


LaRacco, Chris, and Rothstein, Blair. “THE BIG BANG: .” THE BIG BANG. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. <http://umich.edu/~gs265/bigbang.htm>.


Sanford, Chas. “When Did the Big Bang End?” Physics Forums. Web. 29 Mar. 2016. <https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/when-did-the-big-bang-end.251394/>.

“What Is the Big Bang?” :: NASA Space Place. Kristen Erickson, 01 Mar. 2016. Web. 07 Mar. 2016. <http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/big-bang/en/>.

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