Lesson Planning in ACPS

ACPS has a number of resources to guide teachers through the complex process of planning effective lessons. The ACPS Curriculum provides an end-in-mind roadmap to lesson planning, with quarterly pacing, big ideas and essential questions, recommended assessments, and suggested learning resources and activities.  Using that roadmap, teachers engage in a similar end-in-mind design process for each lesson:

  1. Identify lesson objectives
  2. Plan to assess and check for understanding
  3. Develop specific learning activities that help students progress toward the objectives

Resources submitted through the Lesson Resource Exchange can help teachers plan to help their students meet the objectives established in Stage 1.

For more information and resources about Lesson Planning:

  • ACPS Multi-Tiered System of Support: MTSS identifies universal key elements of effective lesson plans (see pp. 19-20). It also includes a specific instructional framework for each content area.
  • ACPS Professional Learning website: Includes a how-to video about the ACPS lesson plan template and videos of ACPS classroom practices for effective lessons.