Attending TLP has been a great experience for me this year, I have learned about so many new and innovating ways to incorporate technology into my classroom. In the beginning, I was overwhelmed by all of the information but I also learned that incorporating technology in small ways can enhance your lesson and classroom environment; it doesn’t always have to be a major project or multiple things at once. By using, my students were able to receive immediate feedback on their writing without having to wait a week or two for me to give them feedback. It was a great way for them to self-edit their papers and correct their own mistakes. My students enjoyed being able to practice typing up their essays and having immediate feedback. Of course some of them had more mistakes than others but they all learned something in the process.
Next year I plan to incorporate technology in my classroom in more ways using the tools and websites that I was exposed to by attending TLP this year. Websites like Kahoot are great, fun ways to get students interested in learning while having fun. I would encourage anyone who would like to learn new ways to incorporate technology into their classroom to apply for TLP!