Alexandria Fire Department – Human Resources

900 Second Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Number of Interns: 1

Mentor Information:
Amanda Jackson
Human Resource Manager II

The Human Resource Manager is responsible for the Fire Department’s overall recruitment, selection and promotion processes to include directing the filling of vacancies, training staff in structured interviewing techniques, and assuring compliance with City, State and Federal rules and regulations pertaining to equal employment opportunity (EEO) and disability accommodation (ADA). Provides advice, guidance, and direction to Department managers on employee performance issues, including disciplinary actions, in coordination with the City Human Resources Department and the City Attorney.

Contact Information:

What types of work will the intern perform?

  • Data entry using Microsoft Access
  • Filing
  • Researching state and federal personnel law for statistical purposes

What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?

  • Create presentation materials
  • Compose data reports

Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1 – almost never 2 – seldom 3- sometimes 4 – often 5 – almost always

Communication with Clients=1

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