2501 Commonwealth Ave.
Alexandria VA 22301
Number of Interns: 1
Mentor Information:
Elisabeth Murray
Youth Services Manager
Elisabeth manages one of the busier youth services departments in the Alexandria Libraries. Regular story times routinely attract 100+ children and caregivers. Keeping up with shelving materials is very important in this heavily used area of the library, and we are always glad to have assistance in prepping crafts and assisting with the after-school crowds.
Contact Information:
What types of work will the intern perform?
- Assists with prepping craft for craft programs
- Assists with setting up for programs and cleaning up after programs
- Assists during programs
- Shelves Library materials
- Daily tidying and clean up
- Other duties as assigned
What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?
Interns in our branch will have the opportunity to work with a wide range of the community. We see everyone – from young children to established families to recognized figures in the community. Interns will learn how to provide excellent customer service, the daily operations of a busy branch library, and teamwork.
Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1 – almost never 2 – seldom 3- sometimes 4 – often 5 – almost always
Communication with Clients=5