Campagna Center – Douglas MacArthur Elementary School

1101 Janneys Lane
Alexandria, VA 22302

Number of Interns: 1

Mentor Information:
Patricia Lender
Site Director

I’m responsible for supervision of staff and overall management of the site. Plan activities that will meet the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of each child enrolled in the program. I implement daily schedule for children and staff. Plan appropriate activities for all children. Hold weekly staff meetings. Orientate and train new staff and provide mentoring on site. Provide effective staff supervision by directly performance on an ongoing basis. Address parents’ concerns. Maintain appropriate files and prepare monthly reports. Attend scheduled and mandatory meetings. Plan community events throughout the year. Maintain communication with the school.

Contact Information:

What types of work will the intern perform?

  • Must engage well with children in groups
  • Assists with children in different age groups (K-5)
  • Assist group leaders with enrichment activities and developmental age appropriate activities (music, arts and craft, and outside play)
  • Give assistance to children needing help with reading

What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?

They will experience the joy of working with children from different cultures. They will also learn to experience different areas of child development.

Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1-almost never    2-seldom    3-sometimes    4-often    5-almost always

Communication with Clients=1

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