Chinquapin Recreation Center

3210 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22311

Seeking 1-2 Interns

Mentor Information:
Lindsay Burneson
Recreation Manager

Oversees management of facility day to day operations and center staff, as well as creating and managing recreational programs for the public to enjoy.

Contact Information:
See your Internship Instructor.

What types of work will the intern perform?

Filing, light cleaning, monitoring soft play room, calling customers. I would be particularly interested in an intern who is interested in helping to plan and implement a class or special event, which could be educational, fitness or health-related, arts or crafts, outdoors, etc.

What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?

Organize events, develop customer service skills, facility management.

Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1-almost never    2-seldom    3-sometimes    4-often    5-almost always

Communication with Clients=4

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