Alexandria Soccer Association

Lee Center
1108 Jefferson Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Number of Interns: 1-3

Mentor Information:
Jim Hogan
Director of Recreation and Programs

Director of the recreational youth soccer experience for youth players that are aged 5-19 years old of all abilities. Roles include schedule creation, field preparation, team formation, coach staffing, outreach and many more.

Contact Information:

What types of work will the intern perform?

  • Field and site preparation
  • Community outreach
  • Office support
  • Assistant coaching and registration check-in

What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?

Interact with community parents and organizations as a member of Alexandria Soccer Association. Staffing at events and socializing with those interested in soccer in the area. For those that are willing and able we hope that our interns will be able to support any coaching or field programs that we may have.

Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1 – almost never 2 – seldom 3- sometimes 4 – often 5 – almost always

Communication with Clients=4

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