ACPS Technology Use Guidelines

ACPS strives to provide a rigorous, relevant, and engaging learning environment for every child.  Technology is essential to student learning, and students are provided equitable access to technology in school.  All students in grades 4-12 are issued a Chromebook to use for instruction. The use of this device, along with other technology tools, should be purposeful and balanced.

A goal in the ACPS Technology Plan is to create student-centered, technology-rich learning environments that provide for academic excellence and educational equity by encouraging creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.  In keeping with this goal, as well as ACPS 2020 Goal 5: Health and Wellness, ACPS offers the following guidelines for administrators and teachers in their use of instructional technology with students.

ACPS Technology Use Guidelines

  1. School technology should be used for educational purposes, not recreation or entertainment
  2. Teachers should plan with colleagues to ensure balanced learning environments for students that utilize a variety of tools beyond digital devices
  3. Technology should be used to encourage collaboration, creation, and critical thinking
  4. Technology should enhance and extend, not replace real-life experiences for students

ACPS relies on administrators and teachers to evaluate balanced and healthy learning environments for students that include digital tools, as well non-digital tools.  This includes encouraging screen-free lunch and recess. It is expected that the usage of Chromebooks and other devices will vary, depending on the instruction purpose or assignment. Therefore, ACPS does not require or limit the amount of time technology should be used for instructional purposes within the school day. It is expected that teachers make professional decisions regarding appropriate tools for their students.

ACPS Technology Use Guidelines PDF