The International Academy is a program of academic services within Francis C. Hammond Middle School offered to recently arrived immigrant students who are learning the English language. Students are on a team with teachers who are specially trained to teach students the core academic content and the English language simultaneously. In addition, students have a school counselor and administrator dedicated to meeting their specific needs. Students have access to all elective classes, physical education and health classes, and extracurricular activities and clubs that are offered at Francis C. Hammond Middle School.
Our students engage in project-based learning while collaborating in groups with diverse levels of language proficiency and native languages, thus accelerating their learning of academic English while studying a rigorous curriculum. The goal of this program is to challenge students academically, increase their English proficiency, fulfill their social and emotional needs, and prepare them for high school and post-secondary opportunities.
Our International Academy Brochure also includes this and other information about our International Academy:
International Academy Brochure – English
International Academy Brochure – Spanish
International Academy Brochure – Dari
International Academy Brochure – Amharic
International Academy Brochure – Arabic
The Internationals Network of Public Schools
We are excited to be one of 27 member schools in the Internationals Network for Public Schools (INPS), located in New York City, California, Maryland, and Virginia, New York, Kentucky, Minnesota, and Washington D.C.
All INPS schools are based on a model emphasizing five core principles:
- Heterogeneity and collaboration,
- Experiential learning,
- Language and content integration,
- Localized autonomy and responsibility, and
- One learning model for all
The vision of the Internationals Network is to ensure all recent immigrant students have access to a quality education that prepares them for college, career and full participation in democratic society. The INPS model has produced graduation rates for English Language Learners (ELL) more than double the rate for ELL students in traditional school settings in the New York City public school system. We are looking forward to implementing the INPS model and collaborating with their network of schools to improve the instruction of our students.
For more information about INPS, please visit internationalsnps.org
You can read more about our program and our staff at the following links:
Mission and Vision
Our Staff
Our Students