1340 Braddock Place
Alexandria VA 22314
Number of Interns: 2
Mentor Information:
Elizabeth Hoover
Chief Technology Officer
Provides leadership and expertise to all aspects of division technology. Leads department of fifty-three employees. The department provides the following:
- Instructional hardware and software for students and staff.
- Professional development for ACPS staff.
- Wired and wireless networks and Internet service.
- Technical support to staff and students.
- Support and administration of applications to support human resources (HR), accounting, payroll, purchasing, transportation, maintenance, special education, child nutrition, and student information.
- A student information system that integrates applications, provides timely access to student data and generates state and federal reports.
Contact Information:
See your Internship Instructor.
What types of work will the intern perform?
- Inventory
- Data entry
- Filing
- Preparing devices
What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?
- Organizational skills
- Communication skills
Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1 – almost never 2 – seldom 3- sometimes 4 – often 5 – almost always
Communications with Clients=3