Izalia Laser Spa

114 S Patrick St
Alexandria, VA 22314

Number of Interns: 2

Mentor Information:
Maria Polyanskaya
Business Manager

I will mostly be mentoring the intern, I am responsible for everything that makes our small business run: client relation, vendor account coordination, payroll, bookkeeping, scheduling, marketing, etc!

Annette Antonelli

Contact Information:

What types of work will the intern perform?

Intern will have hands on experience with how to run a small business, he/she will learn to work with clients, vendors and other spa employees. He/she will also learn to correctly perform basic office duties. Will learn to prioritize in a busy environment, communicate with clients and provide assistance to other team members with multiple projects.

What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?

Our intern will meet other local small business owners, help with organizing marketing campaigns and/or events, handle paperwork and learn to work with clients.

Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1-almost never    2-seldom    3-sometimes    4-often    5-almost always

Communication with Clients=5

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