600 Wolfe Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Number of Interns: 1
Mentor Information:
Virginia Lacey
Business Manager
The business manager is one of two paid personnel here at LTA. The other is the Box Office Manager who takes care of the box office and some of the publicity. Other than that, all of functions of the theatre fall under the responsibility of the business manager, including member/volunteer services, production licensing and scheduling, room scheduling, adult and youth education administration, playbill production, donor services, building maintenance, janitorial services management, office and janitorial supply management, banking services, etc.
Contact Information:
What types of work will the intern perform?
Office Related: Filing, organizing, answering phones, helping with mass mailings, data entry, etc.
Theatre Related: helping with set painting and set construction, assisting with costume design and construction (optional), assisting the artistic support chairs with organizing the props room, set storage garages and costume room, etc.
What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?
Develop more effective PR policy. Work in the box office and help with class registration.
Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1-almost never 2-seldom 3-sometimes 4-often 5-almost always
Communication with Clients=3