The Teacher Leadership Project is a cohort of teachers in Alexandria City Public Schools working together over the course of the school year to explore technology in the classroom. We have participated in various professional development, served as technology leaders and advocates at our schools, and planned purposeful ways to integrate meaningful technology in our classrooms. Through the use of technology integration, we can explore how these strategies can enhance student student engagement, learning, and achievement.
This year, I have integrated the use of interactive white boards to share learning strategies. Through the iPad application Show Me, students have been able to record and share videos with one another as they walk through their math learning skills and steps they take to solve problems. The students have used this technology at center time during cooperative learning where they are choosing various math standards and displaying their own thinking.  The videos have been used as a tool for me to access student learning, identify misconceptions, and define the strategies that students find most helpful in their mathematical learning.
I hope you enjoy  this website to see the various ways that Show Me has impacted our learning in Kindergarten!