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Thirteen reasons why #20


Cassette 2: Side B

Clay goes to Monet’s cafe in honor of Hannah; Monet’s was also a stop on the map Hannah distributed.  Clay ordered a hot chocolate in her remembrance. He asks himself if he should finish the tapes in one night or wait. He then weighs the pros and cons, and comes to a final decision. He wants to find out his place on these tapes. Clay begins to start listening again, when the girl from behind the coffee counter interrupts him. “What are you listening to?” … “Just some tapes.” ..”Interesting. Anyone I’ve heard of?” (Asher, 70) Clay shakes his head and continues to pour sugar into his hot chocolate. The girl carries out more conversation about how they go to school together and things of that nature. Clay agrees, but to be honest, he doesn’t remember her at all. Clay’s mind wanders back to Hannah’s tapes as the girl says he is a nice guy. “Would she still say that if she heard these tapes?” (Asher, 71) Clay leaves the coffee shoppe, drowning in his own thoughts. He thinks about her suicide, oh how he hates that word, he thinks about her parents, their store, and how exactly was he apart of all of this. Ever so often Clay would find himself  walking past her parents’ store. The “We’ll be open soon” sign they placed has been on the front door for a while now.


What was the significance of Clay going to the coffee shop?

Why does everything that happens correlate back to Hannah?

Why don’t her parents just close the shop completely?

Why is Clay stalling in relation to the tapes?

What did Clay do?

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