for TAG Writing class: spelling work and other updates

Hi families,

We are lucky enough to have TAG expert Ruth Brannigan working with us on Mondays to extend our students’ learning. She is currently working with our TAG 4/5 writing class on some common prefixes. Tomorrow I will unveil to students their work with their spelling words, which is attached here for your perusal: SPELLING HOMEWORK MENU. Normally spelling work will be homework only, but for this week it will also be students’ warm-up in class as they become accustomed to it.

Please note that spelling tests will be each Monday in class, followed by students receiving new lists. Your child should have the list for this week with him or her each evening. After tomorrow’s class, please encourage your child to complete their one activity from the menu of activities each night; and if you could help them remember to study on Sunday night, that would be most helpful. Since we do not have school this coming Monday, their first test will be on Tuesday, October 13.

In addition, students are working on finishing their first realistic fiction story. Finalized stories will be due on Thursday (10/8) in class for sharing; the rubric can be perused here: Writing Unit 1 Realistic Fiction I Can statements

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Research writing rubric

Dear families,

I have attached the rubric I am going to be using to score students’ research projects. I am going to be revealing this to the kids little by little. The parts on the left side are the “big ideas” and the parts on the checklist in the middle are the steps we are taking to get there. This week, we are still in our researching and note-taking phase. Please note that this is a working document on Google Drive, so it may change between now and the end of our unit on March 6.

Please contact me or leave a comment if you have any questions.

Research Writing I-Can Statements