TAG 5 Reading Update

Dear families,

This post relates to the 5th grade TAG Reading class, first block of the day.

We have begun a new book! We are reading the book  A Long Way from Chicago as an entire class this week and next week, and we are doing some exciting projects with it. Today we created tableaus of the first few chapters of the book. In the coming days students will rewrite the lyrics to the traditional song “Camptown Races” to reflect the main events of each chapter of the song. Maybe your child will sing their new song for you when it’s finished..!

Below are the page deadlines for the book. Please note that we are moving through it quickly because it’s a pretty short book!


Pages and chapter title: Be finished before class on…
1-16: Shotgun Cheatham’s Last Night Above Ground Tuesday, March 29
17-35: The Mouse in the Milk Tuesday, March 29
37-59: One-Woman Crime Wave Tuesday, March 29
61-78: The Day of Judgment Wednesday, March 30
79-99: The Phantom Brakeman Thursday, March 31
101-120: Things with Wings Friday, April 1
121-148: Centennial Summer and The Troop Train (end of the book) Monday, April 4

Update: 5th TAG Reading

Dear families,
this post is for families of students in my first block TAG reading class.

We have just finished studying nonfiction text features and structures. Students have read some very challenging narrative nonfiction about important events in history.

For our winter vacation, the class has set a goal for themselves of reading a whopping 4,350 pages! Each student has considered his/her habits and the time that they will have during vacation to read and has set an individual goal (that is part of our whole class goal) of total pages to read over break. We have established a big reward of extra recess if everyone in the class manages to meet his/her goal over the vacation, but we need your help! Please would you initial your child’s reading log each day to acknowledge/vouch for the reading that he/she reports doing over the break, then sign the log at the end of break as an acknowledgement of the entire effort? All the students have identified books that they want to read toward this goal (but if you need more ideas, please see the previous post that includes a Padlet with book recommendations from classmates). Thank you in advance for your help!

I hope you all have a restful and joyous break full of seeing lots of loved ones and eating your favorite treats!


For Reading Class: Global Read-Aloud!

Hi families!

In my reading class this morning, we talked a bit about our upcoming project, the Global Read-Aloud. Set to start on October 5 and run for 6 weeks, our class will be joining nearly half a million other students around the world to read aloud a book at the same time and share our thoughts about it. Our class has voted to read aloud the book Fish by L.S. Matthews.  I am currently working on making connections with other classes for us to communicate with and learn from, and I am really excited about the potential learning opportunities that this project will provide.

Students should have taken home a letter with a bit of information about the Global Read Aloud, as well as a permission form asking for your permission for some of the technology tools (all web-based) that I hope for us to use throughout the project as a way to connect and extend our learning with the other classes reading the same book.

I have attached both of the documents below in case you need them; please have a chat with your child about the tools, possibly explore them a bit this weekend (links for most of the tools are provided on the form) if you have a chance, and return the signed form to school as soon as possible.

I will be sharing more detailed plans as they come together. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

