by Ashley Shelton in May 22, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized
Environmental class at George Mason University on 4/24/13. We were participating in the NOVA Outside Green Schools Environmental Action Showcase. The students were very excited to share their knowledge with everyone.
This is the student designed exhibit that highlights the research the students have completed so far. Do you see the ipad minis? We brought them to scan the QRcodes to show our audience the videos the kids made about solar energy, geothermal energy, green roofs and the cause and effects of Global warming.
by Ashley Shelton in May 22, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized
by Ashley Shelton in April 23, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized · TaggedGeothermal
by Ashley Shelton in April 18, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized · TaggedGlobal warming
by Ashley Shelton in April 18, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized · Taggedgreen roof
by Ashley Shelton in April 18, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized · Taggedsolar energy
by Ashley Shelton in April 15, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized
by Ashley Shelton in March 6, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized · TaggedEarth Force
On Friday, March 1 the Environmental Class was fortunate to have Mr. Kurt Moser from the non-profit, Earth Force, visit. Earth Force’s philosophy is to engage young people as active citizens who improve the environment and their communities now and in the future. “At Earth Force, we are passionate about youth finding their voice and assuming leadership roles in solving environmental problems“. For more information about Earth Force
Mr. Kurt Moser led a lively discussion on the causes of global warming, sustainable energy systems in place at Polk and frog mutations. He shared a story from National Geographic. You can read it here – A Flurry of Frog Legs. The students have decided that they are interested in Saving the Frogs after two first graders gave a passionate speech on why we should help the frogs. To learn more about saving the frogs and why they are becoming extinct
by Ashley Shelton in March 6, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized · TaggedAlexandria Earth Day
EARTH DAY is coming soon…..
Saturday, April 20 – Alexandria City Earth Day 10-2pm “Every Drop Counts” is the theme.
Students are encouraged to showcase water through artistic talents. The categories are: literature (poems/essays), fashion, visual arts (painting/photography) and the performing arts (music/dance). Water is essential for life on Earth. Possible sources of inspiration: rain/snow, rivers, pollution, animals, oceans, cooking, atoms, mermaids, tides, water cycle, potable water, irrigation, fires, transportation and recreation.
General Rules for Showcase
- It has to be fun
- Use what you’ve got. No new materials!
- Nothing dangerous (ie. No sharp objects)
- Collaboration among a group of students is allowed.
- All students must write a short description of their entry that will be read while it is being showcased at the event.
- Adults can help assemble, but students must design the projects.
- Submissions, with artists’ and parents’ permission, may be posted on the Alex Earth Day website.
Poem/Essay Rules
- Literature entries may be a work of fiction or nonfiction. The entry must relate to the theme “Water: Every drop counts”.
- Entries must not exceed 500 words
- Entries may be handwritten or typed. Students may dictate to another person who may print or type the exact words spoken by the student.
- Entries are to reflect grade-level appropriate grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Print on recycled paper
- The performer (reader) does not necessarily need to be the author of the piece.
- No new materials may be used. Use things from your home and school like old clothes, recycled paper and plastic bags, etc…
- Partial recycled outfits are permitted (such as a shirt/blouse made of recycled material over jeans)
- Not necessarily recycled base clothing permitted (such as tights or a plan T-shirt)
- Designers of garments do not need to be the model
- The entry must relate to the theme “Water: Every Drop Counts”
Visual Arts
- All entries must be original, student work
- No new materials may be used. Use things from your house and school like newspapers, magazines, crayons, markers, etc…
- Use of copyrighted material is NOT acceptable in any submission (ie. Princesses, sponge bob)
- Prints should be mounted on a cardboard mat, poster board, or other sturdy material
- Pieces will be displayed on tables during the Earth Day event along with the description and judged from the table
- The entry must relate to the theme “Water: Every Drop Counts”
Performing Arts
- A music entry may be for voice, instruments or a combination
- A dance entry choreography must be the work of one or a group of students and must demonstrate creativity
- The entry must relate to the theme “Water: Every Drop Counts”
Alexandria Earth Day information
Information about the Earth Day fashion Show
by Ashley Shelton in March 6, 2013 · Filed under Uncategorized