Campagna Center – Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School

Samuel W. Tucker Elementary
435 Ferdinand Day Drive
Alexandria, VA 22304

Number of Interns: 2

Mentor Information:
Chanel Mckeithan
Site Director/Acting Director of Operations

Site Director:
Plan, conduct and supervise an effective child care program to meet the physical, emotional, intellectual, and ethnic needs of each child. Ensure that routines are maintained to provide for the health and safety of each child. Develop a curriculum which will take into account individual differences and provide for developmentally appropriate activities and will also include the orderly, consistent scheduling of these activities. Provide supervision, training and evaluations for all staff assigned to the center. Create a pleasant atmosphere in which children will feel comfortable and secure. Ensure that parents receive all information concerning their children’s experiences

Contact Information:

What types of work will the intern perform?

  • Filing paper work
  • Assist with gathering supplies for group activities which are either indoor/outdoor
  • Help assist children with homework

What might a highly motivated intern experience while working for your organization?

  • Great organization skills
  • Interact with the community
  • With assisting of homework, they can help the children improve their skills in math and reading
  • Gain leadership skills

Skills Needed on a Scale of 1 to 5
1-almost never    2-seldom    3-sometimes    4-often    5-almost always

Communication with Clients=4

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