Tired of Powerpoint Poisoning?

Heather McFadden will be presenting at TLP-C this Thursday, October 24th, from 4-5pm EST (Click here to find out when in your time zone). Everyone is welcome to join- just use this link:

TLP-C Session #3 – Prezi

Heather will talk to us about what qualities make for a great presentation and how Prezi can be a perfect tool for making those presentations more dynamic.

We’ve all sat through student presentations where we can’t read the font, where the text is all copied and pasted and where we wish we could shake things up. Prezi could be the answer. This free, online tool allows you to make your presentations more interactive, more collaborative, and more memorable. Come this Thursday and learn about how Prezi works.

Already using Prezi? Join us and share your ideas and experiences. We all use these tools differently and it will be great to hear from others about how they use Prezi, how students have used this tool and what you see as its strengths and weaknesses.

2 thoughts on “Tired of Powerpoint Poisoning?

  1. I think Prezi is really cool, I love the visuals, the way it flows ad how you can add videos to it. We are experiencing some problems with our student laptops so I haven’t used Prezi with them yet, but as soon as our computers are updated I will definitely use Prezi. I still love Power Point and it is a good way to introduce students to use the computer, but some of them are really good with computers that I know I can push them to use Prezi. Hope to do it soon. Thanks.

  2. Prezi is very cool as a presentation tool but I have had difficulties with the linking. Hence it takes me more time than to do than a Power Point Presentation of the same material.

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