Skitching Things Together

Join us this Thursday, October 30th for a great session on ways to use the app Skitch in the classroom. Lois Lansing will share some successful lessons she’s done, showing student work and exploring the best ways to use the app.skitch

Already familiar with Skitch? Join us and share your ideas and tips.

Never heard of Skitch before? Come by and learn a little bit about this versatile and easy-to-use app.

The lesson starts at 4pm EST (-5 GMT). Use the following link to log in.

Hope to see you there!

One thought on “Skitching Things Together

  1. I have not been able to join you all for the last two sessions. I am so appreciative that the recordings are archived so that we can view them at another time and such valuable ideas can be shared on and on! Thanks!

    I loved hearing how Skitch can be used with students. Authentic tasks such as investigating erosion, labeling discoveries at one’s own school, and writing about the results and how the erosion can be addressed, cover multitudes of skills and motivate students to use them purposefully to help their community.
    With Skitch a teacher can transform research articles, geometry, computation, maps, and other pictured concepts being learned, into an opportunity for students to use written language and symbols to explain and/or label features, in English and or other languages. It provides student engagement so that learning is assimilated.

    More ways Skitch could be helpful is with behavior. Students could create a tableau of a situation and add comments on possible outcomes of that behavior choice and what the better choices might be.

    Cause and effect could be demonstrated and explained.

    Tableaus of historical events could be titled, dated, and explained.

    Small groups of students could create a tableau depicting and alternate ending to a book with an explanation.

    Pictures enhanced with Skitch could be included in persuasive essays as an illustration of the problem and/or solution.

    Skitch is another valuable technology tool we can use to have students explore concepts and demonstrate understanding.

    THANKS, Lois!

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