Immigration and “Made in the USA”

Immigration and “Made in the USA”

by Gabriel Elias

Mercantilism doesn’t work! Accumulation of precious metals and self-sufficiency is so 1500s.

We leaned that the wealth of your country isn’t what you have but what you can produce. The USA isn’t wealthy because it has the most gold and silver. it’s wealthy because it designs the newest ipad with the most advanced microchips from Cirus Logic (Texas), the best display “Gorilla Glass” from Corning (New York), and the widest array of apps. Maybe the thing is assembled in China, but the product is really “Made in the USA.”

The USA has become the top producer in the world because the government has limited its involvement in both the free market and people’s every day lives. In other words, the government stays out of your business, and if you have something great to do, then you have a chance to do it no matter who you are.

So, what does this have to do with immigration? Everything! Immigrants–legal and illegal–come here to better their lives and the lives of their family. They take a risk to try and hit the jackpot. Just like Apple, Cirus, and Corning. This is the essence of a meritocracy.

Bottom line: they are willing to struggle, compete, and fight their way to the top. Providing, of course, that the government doesn’t mess with the playing field.

Letting businesses hire undocumented workers, and then threatening to deport them is not limited government. Nor is offering schooling and healthcare, while denying college and vocation.We are decisive in our support for “Made in USA”; now, we need to be more clear when we say “Welcome to the USA.”

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