Blood and Iron: Nationalism, Imperialism, and the Rise of the Masses

This unit covers the post-Napoleonic world of the 1800s leading to the disaster of World War I. The unit starts with World War I,...

The Enlightenment: Absolutism, Democracy and The Age of Revolutions

This unit covers Absolutism, English Civil War and Glorious Revolution, French Revolution, American Revolutions, and the Rise and Fall of Napoleon. It ends with...

New Cultures, New Religions: Renaissance, Reformation, and the Birth of Modern Europe

This unit covers the Renaissance and Reformation. It uses cultural change as the primary lens to explore major changes in Europe and Christianity, which...

The World isn’t Flat: Trade Empires, Exploration, and the Rise of Global Commerce

This unit covers the first age of globalization, the 1500s. During this time we see the expansion of global trade empires, the Age of...