April 14

TAG Referral & Screening Process Information

The TAG Referral process begins on the first day of the school year and usually closes around the end of September.  Official dates will be posted for the 2023-2024 school year once they have been approved.

The Talented and Gifted referral form is located in the Forms section of Power School.  In addition to the TAG referral form, a permission to test form, and parent/family information form needs to be completed.  Again, all of these forms are located in the Form section of Power School and will not be available until the first day of the school year. A TAG referral can be submitted in the areas of language arts, science, math, and social studies.

A TAG referral can be submitted by a student, parent, family member, or community member.  If someone does not have access to Power School they can reach out to their school’s TAG Screening referral to receive a hard copy of the referral form.  It is recommended and preferred that the forms be completed in Power School.  Power School offers translation for multiple languages.

Once a TAG referral has been submitted and the referral window has closed the screening process will take place.  During the screening process data is collected by the school’s TAG screening lead. At the middle school level data is collected in the areas of ability, achievement, grades, gifted rating scale, and work samples. Once all data is compiled a TAG screening committee compromised of a classroom teacher, teacher with a gifted endorsement, counselor, administrator, and facilitated by the TAG screening lead will review each student referral. The committee will evaluate the data and align it to the matrix to determine eligibility or if more data is needed.

Parent and student notification of the eligibility status is the next step in the process. If the student is found eligible, a parent permission to place form will need to be completed in order to start services.  If the student is not found eligible, a parent will receive a letter and information regarding the appeals process will be included in the letter. Submitting an appeal is an option and not required.

If you have any questions please reach out to your school’s TAG Screening Lead.

TAG Screening Lead for George Washington Middle School is me, Stacy Palmer.  Email is my preferred method of contact.  My email is stacy.palmer@acps.k12.va.us  I am a 10 month employee, therefore I do not work over the summer.  Please feel free to email me over the summer but note that I am not required to respond until I return to work in August.