April 14

TAG Referral & Screening Process Information

The TAG Referral process begins on the first day of the school year and usually closes around the end of September.  Official dates will be posted for the 2023-2024 school year once they have been approved.

The Talented and Gifted referral form is located in the Forms section of Power School.  In addition to the TAG referral form, a permission to test form, and parent/family information form needs to be completed.  Again, all of these forms are located in the Form section of Power School and will not be available until the first day of the school year. A TAG referral can be submitted in the areas of language arts, science, math, and social studies.

A TAG referral can be submitted by a student, parent, family member, or community member.  If someone does not have access to Power School they can reach out to their school’s TAG Screening referral to receive a hard copy of the referral form.  It is recommended and preferred that the forms be completed in Power School.  Power School offers translation for multiple languages.

Once a TAG referral has been submitted and the referral window has closed the screening process will take place.  During the screening process data is collected by the school’s TAG screening lead. At the middle school level data is collected in the areas of ability, achievement, grades, gifted rating scale, and work samples. Once all data is compiled a TAG screening committee compromised of a classroom teacher, teacher with a gifted endorsement, counselor, administrator, and facilitated by the TAG screening lead will review each student referral. The committee will evaluate the data and align it to the matrix to determine eligibility or if more data is needed.

Parent and student notification of the eligibility status is the next step in the process. If the student is found eligible, a parent permission to place form will need to be completed in order to start services.  If the student is not found eligible, a parent will receive a letter and information regarding the appeals process will be included in the letter. Submitting an appeal is an option and not required.

If you have any questions please reach out to your school’s TAG Screening Lead.

TAG Screening Lead for George Washington Middle School is me, Stacy Palmer.  Email is my preferred method of contact.  My email is stacy.palmer@acps.k12.va.us  I am a 10 month employee, therefore I do not work over the summer.  Please feel free to email me over the summer but note that I am not required to respond until I return to work in August.


April 21

Resources for Talented and Gifted Students

Hi everyone!  I hope you and your family are doing well!!

In the ACPS Continuity of Learning Plan there is a Talented and Gifted Section that I wanted to bring to your attention.  In this section there is a list of suggested resources for TAG students.  

Click here to access the link and scroll down to reach the list of suggested resources.


Take care!!

April 2

Free At-Home Learning Online Webinar for Parents K-12 from William & Mary School of Education

Click here to register.

FREE At-Home Learning Online Webinar for Parents of K-12 Students

Has the current school closure created new challenges at home for you and your learners?  Join experts from the William & Mary School of Education for an informative and interactive conversation.  A panel of six faculty members will present tips and resources on math, reading, creativity and screen time, science and problem-solving, social-emotional well-being, and supporting students with special needs.  This webinar will be held on Friday, April 3, 2020 at noon ET.

March 6

Talented and Gifted Webinar on April 7, 2020 at 6:30pm

Free Parent Webinar from Colin Seale
Beyond “Full Potential”: Reconsidering What Success Means for Gifted Children

April 7, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
All parents want their children to be successful. But parents of gifted children often feel an added pressure to unleash their child’s “full potential.” This webinar will give parents of gifted children powerful, but practical tools to understand the harms of the “full potential” myth and practical tools to move towards a more healthy, hopeful, and happy path to set children up to excel.
Click here to access the link to register for this webinar event. 
January 27

Student Summer Scholarships Grades 6-12 from Virginia Association for the Gifted

Virginia Association for the Gifted: Summer Scholarship – Grades 6-12

Here is the link to the website: https://www.vagifted.org/page/StudSummSc612

The Virginia Association for the Gifted Student Summer Scholarships are designed for those gifted and talented students who wish to attend academic or artistic programs during the summer months.  The scholarships are in amounts ranging from $100 to $400 and are available for students, K-12.  Applications must be postmarked on or before March 27, 2020.  All applicants will be notified of their award status by April 30, 2020.

Applying for a scholarship through Virginia Association for the Gifted does not constitute application to a specific program; you must make application to the summer program of your choice directly.  Virginia Association for the Gifted scholarships are contingent on acceptance into the program.  Many programs offer financial aid in the form of scholarships and grants.  You must contact the program directly for information on their scholarship and grant offerings.  Scholarship checks are made payable to the program only and not to individual students or their families.  

January 17

Summer Enrichment Program @ University of Virginia Applications DUE mid-February

Applications for the Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) operating at the University of Virginia are DUE February 16, 2020.
SEP is a residential summer program for students who are gifted or show the potential  for high ability.  Applications are currently being accepted for the Summer 2020 program.  Applications and additional information can also be found on the website below.
November 8

Two Guest Speaker Events presented by TAGAC

Please Join Us!!

Translation Services will be provided at both events

The TAGAC (Talented and Gifted Advisory Council to the School Board) has arranged for the following guest speakers on the following dates:

Event #1:

Monday, Nov. 18th 7:00pm – 8:30pm at Ferdinand T. Day School

Dr. Jack A. Naglieri, PhD. is a Research Professor at the University of Virginia, Senior Research Scientist at the Devereux Center for Resilient Children, and Emeritus Professor of Psychology at George Mason University.

Dr. Naglieri developed the NNAT (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) which uses minimal language and primarily diagrams for assessment, making it a good tool for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

ACPS administers the NNAT to all first graders every Fall as a means to identify students for Talented and Gifted Services.

Come learn how the test was created, what it identifies, and how it is used.


Event #2:

Monday, Dec. 16th 7:00pm – 8:30pm at Ferdinand T. Day School 

Mr. William Knudsen, Director Government and Affiliate Relations, National Association for Gifted Children

He works at both the Federal and local levels with NAGC’s advocacy partners to break the impediments obstructing services for our gifted and talented students. Prior to NAGC, Bill held positions at the U.S. Senate, Committee for Economic Development and the Department of Education.

Topics to be Covered:        

  • Federal Policy and Gifted Learners
  • Addressing Equity in Gifted Education
  •  Local Advocacy Strategies