June 3

Titan Robotics Summer Camps

The TC Williams Titan Robotics is offering a variety of STEM themed camps for students from kindergarten through eighth grade. All of our camps feature content developed and taught by team members and are held at TC Williams High School.  All of the camps start at $215 for a week of camp.

Here is the link for more information and a list of the camps that will be offered: https://frc5587.org/camps


April 10

Summer Enrichment Opportunities 2019

This list of gifted summer enrichment experiences is compiled by VAGifted (Virginia Association for the Gifted).



Appalachian Regional Commission & Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Science-Technology-Engineering- Math Programs (summer residential) High School:



Middle School:


Middle and High School Students will conduct guided group science, math, and computer science technology research projects, while high school teachers will work with science practitioners to develop STEM-related curriculum. Activities include lab time and visits to nearby industries, universities, and museums to experience real-world applications of science, math, and technology. https://www.arc.gov/program_areas/arcoakridge2018summerprograms.asp





Information not available at this time.

BLAST-ODU, VT and UVA Summer Residential Camp June-August, 2019 Grades 8-9 Through innovative hands-on sessions taught by faculty members and staff, students will explore the fun and excitement of STEM while residing in a college dorm. http://blast.spacegrant.org/
College of William & Mary,

Center for Gifted Education

Focusing on the Future

  Grades 6-12


Career and academic planning and information for both parents and students. http://education.wm.edu/centers/cfge/precollegiate/future/index.php

Information not available at this time.

College of William & Mary,

Center for Gifted Education Saturday and Summer Enrichment Classes


June 24-28, 2019

July 8-12, 2019

Grades K-9 The program is not meant to supplant the regular school curriculum; rather, it recognizes the importance of allowing able youngsters to explore additional specialized areas of science, mathematics, humanities, and arts. https://education.wm.edu/centers/cfge/precollegiate/sep/index.php
College of William and Mary

LAUNCH (summer residential)

July 13-27, 2019 Grades 7-8 Students will have the opportunity to take classes that are based upon science and writing curriculum units geared toward this population of students. http://education.wm.edu/centers/cfge/camp_launch/index.php


College of William and Mary

Intro to Law

February 2, and June-July, 2019 Grades 9-12 What is law? How is it made? How can judges change law? www.legaltechcenter.net

Contact CLCT@wm.edu or (757) 221-2494

Constitutional Academy

Washington, DC


July 7-12, 2019 Grades 10-12 A week of deep discussions on critical issues and interaction with scholars, policy-makers, and national thought leaders. https://www.billofrightsinstitute.org/engage/students-programs-events/academy/
Discovery Education 3M:

Young Scientist Challenge


Video entries due in April 19, 2019 Grades 5-8 Students create a 1-2 minute video describing a new, innovative solution that could solve an everyday problem. http://www.youngscientistchallenge.com/


Emory & Henry College

Summer Scholars (summer residential)


June 16-21, 2019 Grades 6-9 The program offers a unique mix of learning activities designed to broaden academic interests and expose students to a college-like setting. http://www.ehc.edu/academics/summer-programs-and-camps/summer-scholars/
Emory & Henry College

Leadership Institute Residential (summer residential)


June 16-21, 2019 Grades 10-12 The program offers a unique mix of learning activities designed to broaden academic interests and expose students to a college-like setting while building the student’s leadership skills. http://www.ehc.edu/academics/summer-programs-and-camps/summer-scholars/
Ferrum College

Summer Enrichment Program


  Ages 9-13 Classes involve ACTIVE PARTICIPATION with a variety of daily projects and group activities. http://www2.ferrum.edu/fcsec/index.html

Information not available at this time.

George Mason University Summer Ages 5-18 Academic, Visual & Performing Arts, Science & Technology, Recreation & Sports programs. http://summercamps.gmu.edu/


Holiday Lake Forestry Camp

4H Camp near Appomattox, VA


June 17-22, 2019 Ages 13-16 Courses include Sustainable Forest Management, Forest Ecology, Reforestation and Tree Improvement, Tree Measurements, Environmental Protection, Wildlife Management, and Tree Identification. http://dof.virginia.gov/forestry/camp


MathScience Innovation Center Camp Innovation

Mechanicsville, VA


July 8-12,

July 15 – 19,

July 22 – 26 ,

July 29 – Aug 2, 2019


Grades 4-9 Week-long courses on science, biology, computer technology, engineering, and more. https://www.mymsic.org/camp


National Building Museum

Washington, DC

July-August, 2019 Grades Rising 1st-6th The National Building Museum encourages families to discover architecture, design, and engineering in fun and interactive ways. https://www.nbm.org/learn/families/
National Institute of American History and Democracy & The Williamsburg Foundation

Williamsburg, VA

June-August, 2019 Grades

Rising 11,12

& College Freshmen

Students will travel daily to the museums, battlefields, archaeology sites, homes, and places where history lives. Learn not only the history of America but also what is being done to preserve it. Participate in an active archaeological dig and get your hands dirty looking for 18th-century artifacts. http://www.wm.edu/as/niahd/precollegiatesummer/index.php


National Society for Gifted and Talented


Ongoing Grades 3-12 Scholarships http://www.nsgt.org/scholarships-available/national-scholarships/
National Youth Science Camp (NYSC)

Charleston, WV




June 27-July 20, 2019 Grade 12

Two students are chosen to represent Virginia

Provide engaged learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and related professions that extend and enhance the traditional K-12 school curriculum. Link to Camp and application info: http://www.nysf.com/w/programs/nysc/



National Wildlife Federation


Submissions due Feb. 22, 2019 Ages 11-19 Participants investigate an environmental issue and report on it using journalistic techniques in writing, photography, or video. https://www.nwf.org/Eco-Schools-USA/About/Take-Action/Young-Reporters-for-the-Environment-USA/Join-the-Competition
Odyssey of the Mind




School Year



Grades K-12 A problem-solving contest with challenges ranging from building mechanical devices to literary interpretations. http://odysseyofthemind.com/


PEG-Program for the Exceptionally Gifted-

Mary Baldwin College

School Year Ages 13 – 17 The coed Early College offers the opportunity for bright 16- and 17-year-old students to skip their final years of high school and immerse themselves in college at MBU. There is also a program for girls as young as 13 years of age who live in a supervised living-learning residence hall.. http://www.marybaldwin.edu/early-college//
Safari Camps

Washington, D.C. Zoo


June 24-August 16, 2019 Grades K-7 Week-long sessions include exciting hands-on activities, lessons, craft projects, science experiments, and walks through the Zoo (but no direct contact with animals). http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Education/Camps/DayCamp/


Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation’s Summer programs June 24-July 26, 2019 Grades-High School a range of hands-on, interdisciplinary programs in conservation for undergraduates, graduate students, professionals, and high school students. https://smconservation.gmu.edu/programs/high-school-summer-programs-for-college-credit/
STEM  iD Tech Camps

Charlottesville, Williamsburg and Richmond locations

June-August, 2019 Ages 7-17 Kids and teens discover coding, game development, robotics, and design in an inspiring, collegiate setting. https://www.idtech.com/locations/virginia-summer-camps/


Torrance Creativity Awards Mar – Aug Ages 8-18 International competition-Categories include creative writing, musical competition, inventions and visual arts. http://www.centerforgifted.org/torrance.html


Information not available at this time.

University of Virginia

Summer and Saturday Enrichment Classes

January-February, 2019(Saturdays)





June-July, 2019

Grades K-5






Grades 4-10

Curriculum and instruction is designed to engage your child in authentic inquiries into major concepts and ideas of a field through critical, creative, and problem-based thinking/learning.

Students in the program spend the morning and afternoon engaged in learning experiences designed to foster critical thinking, creative thinking, and inquiry processes.






University of Virginia

Writers Workshop at

Sweetbriar College

June-August, 2019 Grades  9-12 Participants learn strategies to invent, develop, and revise material using the writer’s most essential tools—language, imagination, craft, sight, and insight. http://theyoungwriters.org/summer-program
VA Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars (VASTS)

NASA/Langley Research Center

Hampton, VA

June-July, 2019 Grade 11-12 Interactive on-line STEM learning experience, highlighted by a seven-day residential summer academy at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. http://vsgc.odu.edu/vasts/
VA Association of the Gifted (VA Gifted)

Summer Scholarships

Applications due March 29, 2019 Grades K-12 Summer program Scholarships http://www.vagifted.org/?page=StudSummScholarships
VA Space Coast Scholars

Wallops Island, VA


June – August, 2019 Grade 10 With a focus on scientific exploration, students will be introduced to the science, engineering, and technology concepts that are integral to earth and space-based missions launched or conducted from Virginia’s Space Coast on the Eastern Shore. http://vscs.spacegrant.org/academy
VA Space Flight Academy-Wallops Island, VA June-August, 2019 Ages 11-16 Opportunity to build and launch model rockets. You also build and program robots to perform specific tasks. Add some drone flying to the mix, and you have the formula for a fun week at summer camp. http://vaspaceflightacademy.org/


Virginia Summer Regional Governor’s Schools

(Students from participating school divisions are eligible – dependent upon location of program)

June-August, 2019 Grades 3-12 Science, Visual & Performing Arts, Marine Biology, Math, Technology http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/governors_school_programs/summer_regional/index.shtml
Virginia Summer Residential Governor’s Schools (VDOE)

(Public, private and home-schooled students are eligible)

June-August, 2019 Grades 11-12 Residential experiences in visual and performing arts; humanities; math, science and technology; agriculture; mentorships in marine science, medicine and health sciences, or engineering http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/governors_school_programs/summer_regional/index.shtml
VA Tech


June 30-July 13, 2019 GIRLS

Grades 11-12

Spending time involved in hands-on activities designed to increase your interest in and knowledge of applications of engineering to real world situations. http://www.eng.vt.edu/ctech2


VA Tech


July 15-19, &

July 22-26 2019

Grades 7-8 Introduces participants to the exciting and fun world of technology, engineering, and science … not by watching, but by doing! http://www.eng.vt.edu/imagination   
VA Tech

Kids’ Tech University

January-April, 2019 Ages 9-12 Hands-on STEM activities http://kidstechuniversity.vbi.vt.edu/program


  Grades K-12 It is never too early to jump-start a student’s interest in science and health careers. Middle school programs vary greatly and provide exposure to health careers, tutoring, and life-skill development. https://dhsd.vcu.edu/pipeline-programs/elementarymiddle/


Ongoing Middle & High School Students Our Pipeline programs for middle and high school students are designed to assist in the college and career decision process. Learn from current college students, health care professionals, and researchers about the extensive and exciting options in the health care fields. https://dhsd.vcu.edu/programs

Summer Intensive-Residential

July 7-26, 2019 Grades 9-12 Develop practical knowledge and skills to prepare you for college-level performing arts auditions and/or the development of your application portfolio. http://arts.vcu.edu/summerintensive/
Virtual Virginia   High School Students Variety of Advanced Placement (AP) courses online www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/graduation/early_college_scholars/index.shtml
Washington Youth Summit on the Environment & Field Ecology Conservation Program   Grades 9-11 Interactive program that provides America is highest achieving high school students with an interest in the environment, conservation, and sustainability, and with the desire to explore careers in the fields of environmental science, conservation, policy, law, and engineering, with a remarkable opportunity. http://wyse.gmu.edu/




Note: Not all listed programs are specifically structured for gifted students. Some programs may have a cost associated with participation. Some programs may offer scholarships. Reference within this presentation to any specific commercial or non-commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Association for the Gifted.

February 22

Parent/Guardian Event with Dr. Richard Cash

Calling all parents/guardians!!!
You are invited to:
An evening with Dr. Richard Cash, Understanding and Supporting Your Gifted Child
March 4, 2019  
6:30pm – 7:30pm 
Ferdinand T. Day Elementary
1701 N Beauregard St. Alexandria, VA 22311
Here is some information on Dr. Cash from Free Spirit Publishing  

Richard M. Cash, Ed.D.

Dr. Richard M. Cash is an award-winning author and educator who has worked in the field of education for over twenty-five years. His range of experience includes teaching, curriculum coordination, and program administration. Currently, he is an internationally recognized education consultant (www.nrich.consulting). His consulting work has taken him throughout the United States, as well as into Canada, the Czech Republic, China, England, Indonesia, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Poland, Qatar, Spain, South Korea, and Turkey. 

Richard received his doctorate in educational leadership and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Along with his bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Minnesota, Richard holds a bachelor’s degree in theater from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. For over ten years, he codirected a children’s theater company in Minnesota, and coauthored four award-winning children’s plays. He was recipient of the National Association for Gifted Children’s Early Leader Award (2011), recognizing his leadership in programming for gifted children. Richard was also named the “Friend of the Gifted, 2016” by Minnesota Educators of the Gifted and Talented.
His areas of expertise are educational programming, rigorous and challenging curriculum design, differentiated instruction, 21st century skills, brain-compatible classrooms, gifted and talented education, and self-regulated learning. Dr. Cash is the author of Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century (2011), a finalist for the Association for Educational Publishers Distinguished Achievement Award; Self-Regulation in the Classroom: Helping Students Learn How to Learn; and coauthor of (with Diane Heacox) Differentiation for Gifted Learners: Going Beyond the Basics (2014), winner of The Legacy Book® Award for Outstanding Educators Publication.

December 10

Saturday & Summer Enrichment Programs at William & Mary



The link above will take you to William & Mary’s Center for Gifted Education page featuring Saturday & Summer Enrichment Programs for students K – 12.

Make sure to scroll down the whole page to see the various programs that are available.  Admission, FAQs, and more information are located in the tabs on the left side of the page.

December 10

Focusing on the Future Planning Experience at William & Mary

The Center for Gifted Education at William & Mary is having a Focus on the Future Planning Experience for students in both middle school and high school on Saturday, February 2, 2019 in Williamsburg,VA.  


The link below will take you to a brochure with registration information and more details on the event. 

Early bird registration is before January 11th, 2019


November 8

Bright Now Podcast

“Bright Now is a podcast about parenting and educating bright and curious kids from the John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.”

Click here to get to the Bright Now website. 

The podcast is free and available via multiple podcast formats. 

June 7

Summer Reading Programs for ACPS & Alexandria City Public Library

ACPS Summer Reading Project Information:  
The Middle School Summer Reading Project is now posted on the ACPS website.  The link to the ACPS Summer Program page is:
 Alexandria City Public Library Reading Challenge Information:
Students in grades 6-12 can also participate in the Alexandria City Public Library reading challenges called Summer Quest (click HERE).  Students can register to participate HERE and use their Beanstack resource to generate a list of books based on age and interest.