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Blog Post: To Kill A Mockingbird


In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is walking home from school when she notices two pieces of gum in a hole in a tree in front of the Radley’s house. When she gets home, she tells Jem who freaks out and tells her to spit them out. On the last day of school, they are walking home when they find two old pennies in the same hole and keep them. When summer starts, and Dill comes back, they all start playing their games again. When they were rolling each other in a big tire, Scout rolls in front of the Radley’s which causes Jem and Dill to freakout. Then Jem gets an idea to make the game “Boo Radley”. They play out events that could happen to the Radley’s, and then Atticus finds them and asks if it has anything to do with the family. They all say it doesn’t, and they stop playing the game.

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