
iBlogg for American Lit!

The summer I turned pretty week 29


After unpacking all of her clothes, Belly ran down to the pool to start her summer tan. She got to the pool and the boys were there. All of a sudden Steven yells “BELLY FLOP”. Steven, Jeremiah and Conrad circled Belly until they all had a strong grip of her. They “swung [her] back and forth until they finally let her go flying into the pool (Han 17). She finally came above the water and asked for Conrad’s help out of the pool. He agreed but Belly used all of her strength to pull him in. Steven and Jeremiah left leaving Conrad and Belly in the pool. Belly felt very awkward because of the past summer with him. In the distance she heard Susannah’s voice so hopped out of the pool and ran to greet her. I think there are going to be tensions with Conrad and Belly because of what happened in the past. I do not think Belly is going to let that situation ruin her summer.

Laura Lee McHugh prediction

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