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Being Healthy by Ali Saeed


I started reading a new book , called being Healthy, and it a great book that I recommend everyone to read. If there is one thing you should care about or worry about is being healthy, because being healthy means you can enjoy your life to the fullest with struggling with illness. Being healthy does not mean being physically healthy but also mentally. Life is full of illness and fatal diseases and overwhelming stress can cause mental problems, therefore it way very difficult staying healthy and be your best in every single day of your life ,however is not impossible. Being healthy is all you should aim for because without your health ,life is worth living because it becomes very miserable without your health no matter how much money you have because ” health is the greatest wealth” Josh Billing. I connect this to my cousin who used to be overweight and he was in danger of diabetes and even heart attach but he decided to be healthy by exercising and eating health , and he was able to save himself and live healthy.

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