
iBlogg for American Lit!

The pact


I’m reading this book called ”the pact”. This book is three boys named Rameck, Sampson, and George grew up in a rough neighborhood of Newark. They got into a lot of trouble but they formed a pact to get out of the negative and follow their dreams to be doctors. They over come all their terrible past to be where they are now. They got accepted to college and accomplished there dreams. Now on their spare time they going around talking to little kids telling them how they should never let go of their dreams.

Reasons why teens shouldnt drop out of High School


the reasons why teens shouldn’t quite school is because when they drop out and try and look for a job it require a diploma. if a person don’t have a diploma then he/she will not get a good job that will provide for he/she. if teens finish high school then there will be more opportunities, more jobs, and more money. high school is the most important thing in life because if you do not graduate from high school then your life will never start how anyone wants it to be. so if you do quite school it will be more stress and more problem. but if you do not quite school than life will be less stressful and accomplish more in life.

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In my book I have several questions my first question is why, did the four wizards in Harry Potter create a school called Hogwarts for the soul purpose of teaching magic. The reason of why I asked this question is, because the story never answered the question of why they created the school in the first place. My second question is how a wooden wan that could have magic the reason why, I asked this question is, because “ok harry let’s try this wan, maybe this one will work”  so that is why I do understand how a stick could hold magic power. My third questions is how is it that certain humans can do magic, but not all people. The reason why I asked this question is, because I see some people who can cast magic, but there are some people who cannot. my third question is why wood the wizards would want o keep Hogwarts a secret instead of telling the world that anyone could learn magic.

Shawn hall


How to keep a buisness


This book how to keep a business is really good. It shows kids, teens, and adults how to be successful in life and how to maintain your job. It also teaches people how to keep clients to come back for more. This book is basically show how to make money and save money in a matter of minutes. Its a very healthy book for someone that just finished school and looking for ways to get money and have a long lasting career. It could make an ordinary man from ”rags to riches”.

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Blog post #20


“I don’t know if you’ve ever felt like that. That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years. Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do exist.” He used to be a quiet, shy person; He never tells his feeling to anyone even his best friends. He was optimistic person, when he said those words, I was surpurised. He was so desperate even thought about to give up his life. This was his first time to showed his sadness. I can visualize that he had kinda bad period about it, like he didn’t really want to do anything even didn’t want to talk anybody.

Blog post #19


Charlie loves his family, but according to his diary, we know that he has the best relationship with his aunt. “Sam then gave me a hug, and it was strange because my family doesn’t hug a lot except my Aunt Helen.”  He talked about her alot. I can imagine how much he loves her since everybody has the one person that they love the most in their family. For example, my cousin is the family member that i love the most. If I’m supposed write a diary like Charlie’s, I would write about my cousin most since I have more and more story with him.

post blog #24


For my blog I made a question about the book Driven from Within by Michael Jordon. I wanted to ask a question about Jordon, because I want someone to answer my question, I did not understand what happen in one part of the story about Jordon. My question was why did he do what he did and why didn’t he stop. A quote that I found was “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.”

blog post #23


For my blog I made a connection about the book Driven from Within from Michael Jordon, I wanted to make a connection in this book because I want to write about something that both the main character and I have in common in the story. I connection with Michael Jordon by him teaching people a lot of staff such as where hard work and determination can get you and I felt just like that.  A quote that I found in the story was “Don’t let them drag you down by rumors just go with what you believe in.”

blog post #22


In my blog I decided to make a visualization for my book Driven from Within from Michael Jordonthat I read. I wanted to make a visualization about this book because I wanted to image the moment in my head about the main character Michael Jordon and his friends. I visualized Michael missing lots of shots in his career in the NBA and losing almost of games in the NBA. It was the best visualization that I have done in this book. A quote that I found at the end of Michaels book was “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

The Gemini


i was reading about Gemini and the symbol is The Twins. the element of a

Gemini is air, the favorite color is green. My favorite color! Gemini group

is emotional, the ruling planet is Mercury. The Gemini presents two distinctive sides to his or her personality, and you can never be sure with which one you’re going to come face-to-face. Gemini key words:

Strengths: Curiosity, ability to share ideas, adaptable, affectionate, kind.
Weaknesses: Scattering energy in too many places at once, fickle in love, nervous, short attention span.
Charismatic marks: Expressive eyes, quick, bright, often small-boned, refined features.
Likes: Music, magazines, books, blogs, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around town.
Dislikes: Repetition and routine, being alone, being confined.
Best environment: Any busy neighborhood, places where people gather to gossip, bookstores, museums.
Family is very important and friendship with sibling and posing with our family at times can be hard. I agree with that becuase it is very hard to get a long with some of my family memebers sometimes.
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