My name is Vanessa Hall and I teach Spanish 1A, Spanish 1B, and Spanish 2.
Spanish 1A is an introductory course for 6th and 7th graders. It covers many basic topics. For example, basic conjugations of verbs (-ar, -er, -ir, ser, tener, estar, ir, gustar), colors, weather, alphabet, food vocabulary, school vocabulary, and how to describe yourself.
Spanish 1B is more complex, but still considered an introductory course. It is offered for 7th and 8th graders. Spanish 1A is a prerequisite for Spanish 1B. Students cover more topics, including family, chores, party, sports, and clothing. Spanish 1B also presents more challenging structures to the students, such as stem-changing verbs, informal commands, and direct object pronouns. Spanish 1A and 1B are mostly centered on recognition and the present tense in the Spanish language.
Spanish 2 is the most rigorous of the three courses. It is only offered for 8th graders who have already completed Spanish 1A and Spanish 1B. Spanish 2 does not center on recognition of language like 1A or 1B, but there is more so of a focus on production of Spanish. The new, mature focus in Spanish 2 allows for creativity to blossom in projects. It is considered a full high school credited course, and it moves at a quick pace with complex grammatical structures. Spanish 2 moves away from the present tense and presents three new tenses: present progressive, preterit, and imperfect. Students are also introduced to new types of words, such as reflexive verbs, adverbs, and indirect object pronouns.
Due to teaching three curriculum throughout three different grades, I have the opportunity to integrate many mediums of technology.
Some of them include:
- PicCollage
- SeeSaw
- QR Codes
- Remind
- iMovie
- Kahoot!
- Videolicious
On my blog, you can find a different page with student examples and a small explanation for each one.