The mission of the TIE program is to provide a top quality technology integration education program to ACPS staff.
The TIE program training is a nine week blended-learning course offered three times each year in the fall, winter, and spring. TIE meets for one face-to-face session at the commencement of the class and the remainder is completed online with assistance from your building TIS. Upon completion of the TIE program, participants will earn 16 recertification points.
All TIE content expectations, assignments, and project guidelines will be available to participants through their enrollment in the Blackboard TIE course. Through this course, participants will satisfy the Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel (TSIP).
A. Instructional personnel shall be able to demonstrate effective use of a computer system and utilize computer software.
B. Instructional personnel shall be able to apply knowledge of terms associated with educational computing and technology.
C. Instructional personnel shall be able to apply computer productivity tools for professional use.
D. Instructional personnel shall be able to use electronic technologies to access and exchange information.
E. Instructional personnel shall be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and use appropriate instructional hardware and software to support Virginia’s Standards of Learning and other instructional objectives.
F. Instructional personnel shall be able to use educational technologies for data collection, information management, problem solving, decision making, communication, and presentation within the curriculum.
G. Instructional personnel shall be able to plan and implement lessons and strategies that integrate technology to meet the diverse needs of learners in a variety of educational settings.
H. Instructional personnel shall demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal issues relating to the use of technology.
Participants will be required to submit reflections in an effort to monitor expected progress. Participants will also be required to submit a culminating project at the end of the seven week training as a means of demonstrating proficiency with TSIPs. Guidelines for the project will be explained and published through the Blackboard TIE course. Assistance in project planning will be available from TIE coordinators and building TIS.