Teacher Leadership Project is a cohort of classroom teachers interested in research, sustained new learning and collaboration on how to engage students in project-based learning using technology. Participating teachers will attend 3 full day workshops in the summer, 3 full day workshops during the school year and 3 after-school meetings. Benefits of this cohort include 120 hours of re-certification credit, necessary equipment to facilitate teaching and learning in your classroom and a $300 stipend.
Teachers spend the year implementing new technology-infused projects into their classroom. Teachers then present their projects at the ACPS Technology Gallery Walk each Spring. In addition to presenting their projects face-to-face, teachers also create an online portfolio explaining their project and sharing student work. Check out past projects here: ACPS Teacher Leadership Project.
Interested in applying to be part of the 2014-2015 cohort? Apply here ACPS TLP Application. Applications are due April 11, 2014.