Celebrate Digital Citizenship Week!


Any person who uses devices and tools to engage in a digital space is considered a digital citizen, including parents. Digital Citizenship Week promotes the safe, responsible, and balanced use of these tools and devices.

The International Society for Technology in Education recognizes that students should be digital citizens.  This means students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.”

Read more about Digital Citizenship Week in the ACPS Express!

Families can participate in Digital Citizenship Week at home by taking the pledge to participate in #DeviceFreeDinner. Parents can also register to receive tips and ratings from Common Sense Media’s blog.  Watch the ACPS Facebook page throughout the week for more tips for parents. 

Blended Learning Camp 2016 Highlights!


“Blended Learning Camp gave me a head start in considering how my students could use technology in practical ways that will help them beyond the classroom. I am looking forward to using some of the programs that I learned about, especially WeVideo and Google Apps, to craft a collaborative environment that will improve my students’ content knowledge, English, and academic skills.” – Alison Walter, Francis C. Hammond Middle School


Blended Learning Camp was awesome! Being able to choose the sessions that most benefited us allowed us to really take ownership of ourlearning. I plan to use many of the ideas within my classroom and hope ACPS decides to do it again!” – ReNia Joyner, James K. Polk Elementary





Welcome to the Alexandria City Public Schools Teaching and Learning Site.  In ACPS, we believe that the thinking, not the thing is most important when utilizing technology for learning.  Please take a look at our site to learn more about our programs for students, resources for families, and opportunities for teachers.  Our Spotlight on Learning page showcases programs in action in our schools!

TCW’s 2015 Technology Cohorts

In an effort to better support and encourage teachers to effectively incorporate educational technology and best practices at TC and MH, the Technology Integration Specialists have created a new program based on month-long thematic cohorts.  Each month will provide teachers the opportunity to collaborate with the TIS’s and their fellow educators to expand their use of instructional technology by understanding its effective uses in regards to the ISTE Standards and the ACPS Classroom in Focus guidelines. Learn more on the TC TIS Blog: http://blogs.acpsk12.org/tctis/technology-cohorts/

Long story short:  Meet with the TIS and teachers, learn, do awesome things,and get recertification points.

Collaborate Snip You will work with a tight-knit cohort during one planning period a week for four weeks.  The TIS will organize and run each session, as well as be available to work with you individually for co-teaching and other projects.

Learn SnipDiscover new ways to engage students in content, as well as how to leverage all of the tools available to you.  Explore the ISTE Standards for Teachers and how they can expand your understanding of educational technology use.

Do SnipDevelop new activities, and revamp old ones.  Build lessons and units that reflect the work and collaborative process you take on in the cohort.  Co-teach, reflect, and take chances.

Earn SnipReceive up to 20 recertification points for the cohort.  Different strands of participation earn you different levels of points.  Choose the strand that best fits your availability and desire for a challenge.


Welcome to the Alexandria City Public Schools Technology & Learning Blog!  This blog is sponsored by the Technology Services Department and maintained by the Technology Integration Specialists (T.I.S) in an effort to raise knowledge about the many diverse programs and services offered through ACPS Technology.  Please explore our blog!

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