Each student in grades 4-12 is issued a Chromebook for use at home and in class to support blended learning. Blended learning is the deliberate connection of educational technology with face-to-face instruction to enhance and personalize a deep and meaningful curriculum. With 1:1 access, teachers can more readily include assignments such as digital collaboration, simulations, virtual field trips, and the creation of multimedia projects into their classroom instruction. Students will participate in lessons designed by Common Sense Media that cover topics such as online safety, cyber bullying, digital footprints, and privacy.
Chromebooks are distributed during the first quarter of the school year. Administrators determine if and when Chromebooks will go home in the elementary grades. Middle and high school students are expected to bring their Chromebook to school each day fully charged and ready to use. Students access and complete course assignments, collaborate on projects, participate in discussions and complete assessments online. Each secondary campus has a student helpdesk where students can receive help with their Chromebook. In addition to the Chromebook, classrooms are equipped with visual and audio presentation systems to support instruction. Each student is provided with an ACPS Google account that provides them with email, G Suite tools, and cloud storage. Digital cameras, digital video recorders, digital audio recorders, scanners, and other tools give teachers many ways to engage all students in the learning process.
ACPS relies on administrators and teachers to evaluate balanced and healthy learning environments for students that include digital tools, as well non-digital tools. This includes encouraging screen-free lunch and recess. It is expected that the usage of Chromebooks and other devices will vary, depending on the instruction purpose or assignment. Therefore, ACPS does not require or limit the amount of time technology should be used for instructional purposes within the school day. It is expected that teachers make professional decisions regarding appropriate tools for their students.
Why Chromebooks?
Some of the reasons Chromebooks were selected include their affordability and usability in the K-12 environment. Chromebooks are economical, allowing the division to expand student access without increasing the budget. These cloudbased devices can be used as a traditional laptop or touch tablet. Student work created on Chromebooks can be accessed from any device in or out of school. Chromebooks support Goal 1 of the ACPS Technology Plan: To create studentcentered, technologyrich learning environments that provide for academic excellence and educational equity by encouraging creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.