MinecraftEDU in the Classroom

Do your students wear pictures of green, blocky creepers to school? Do they talk about crafting tables and mining all the time? Harness their excitement about the game Minecraft by using it in school.minecraftEDU

We are pleased to have David Talbot of Hammond Middle School sharing with us his adventures using MinecraftEDU in the classroom. Dave will talk about why he uses Minecraft and what he has learned from trying it in his classrooms. This will be a fun session if you just want to know more about the game or if you are thinking about how you could use it in your classroom.

Join us Thursday, March 3rd from 4-5pm by clicking on this link (link only active on date of presentation)


3 thoughts on “MinecraftEDU in the Classroom

  1. One of the strengths I noticed is the emphasis on collaboration. It was great to see so many students helping each other master the game. I teach high school math and was excited to see upper level physics students using the minecraftEdu. I will definitely do some exploring of the program to see if it is subject specific, i.e. Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, etc. and something that I can integrate into my classroom.

  2. The session on MineCraft was certainly infhrmative. I leaned a lot but not enough to feel comfortable in doing this. That is okay because I had the same apprehensions when it came to “coding” I enjoy that now. The “Tech Thoughts were really insightful to say the lease along with the MineCraft library which is an excellent place start.

  3. It was interesting to see how other teachers may use MineCraft in the classroom. My students talk about it all of the time, but I wasn’t sure what all took place. Being exposed to the strategy and teamwork aspect helped me to gain a better understanding of what exactly they are working to accomplish when they play the game. I can also see how it is such a high interest activity for many of our students.

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