July 22

August Enrichment Courses _Loudoun School for the Gifted

Are you still looking for an engaging experience for your student to have over the summer? Loudoun School For the Gifted has three sessions that are still enrolling:


Session One: August 10th to 14th

Session Two: August 17th to 21st

Session Three: August 24th to 28th


9:00 am to 3:00 pm with a one hour break for lunch


$515 per session

Sessions include: A course on Harry Potter, How to Survive a Zombie Apocolypse, and much more! To find out more and register, please visit: http://www.loudoungifted.org/#!summer2015/c1mfq

November 11

iD Tech Camps- Now enrolling for Summer 2015!

iD Tech camps provide students with enrichment activities surrounding computers and STEM. If you child is interested in these areas, please check them out.

The Washington DC area has six locations for iD Tech camps: American University, Georgetown University, University of Virginia, The College of William and Mary, Towson University, and University of Maryland.

There are classes for all ages, and even an all girls session.

Game design, web design, robotics, and coding are just some of the week long camps students can attend. Please click the link below to check out more camps, pricing and availability for Summer 2015.

Hurry up and don’t miss out!