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Pearl and her Questions.




My little Pearl is now seven years old. A lot has changed in the past seven years. I discovered that my husband Chillingworth was still living. I promised Chillingworth that I would never tell anyone his true identity. I am a different person; I am much more active in my community. I bring food to the door, nurse the sick, and I help people with their troubles. People are now starting to see me different too. They are now starting to view the A as Able instead of Adulterer but there is still people who just cannot accept me and still treat me bad. Chillingworth moved in with Dimmesdale and I feel like I am causing Dimmesdale harm by keeping Chillingworth’s true identity a secret. I have decided to meet up with Chillingworth and tell him to stop torturing Dimmesdale. I will also tell him that it’s time for Dimmesdale to know is true identity. I suspect that Chillingworth knows everything that happened between Dimmesdale and I, and that he is Pearl’s father.  I talked to Chillingworth and we got into an argument, I soon realized that I hate him. As I was looking for Pearl I noticed that she had put an A on her chest and I wondered if she knew the meaning of the A that is on my chest. We started discussing it but I then decided that Pearl was too young to know the meaning of the A on my chest because she connected it to Dimmesdale always clutching his hand over his heart. For the next couple of days Pearl kept asking my about the A and Dimmesdale puts his hand over his heart “Silly Pearl, what questions are these? There are many things in this world that a child must not ask about. What know I of minister’s heart? And I as for the scarlet letter, I wear it for the sake of its gold thread” (143). I don’t know what to do, I want to tell little Pearl the truth but she’s just too young to understand. I have decided look up advice on telling kids the truth about things. I hope this website can help me come up with a way of helping Pearl understand. http://www.writingthroughlife.com/journal-writing-tips-telling-the-truth


by posted under Block 6, The Scarlet Letter | 1 Comment »    
One Comment to

“Pearl and her Questions.”

  1. November 6th, 2012 at 3:02 pm      Reply kate Says:

    I like the way you used your quote and very nicely worked in the website. Your picture also goes well with the quote. Sure were a lot of secrets to keep. Those puritans lived a hard life.

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