
iBlogg for American Lit!

“Im slave”


Mende Nazer is a Sudanese woman who was kidnaped at the age of 12. She was sold into slavery after 6 years of slavery at a Arab family she is trying to scape so bad from that house . Since 12 Mende hasn’t seen her parents again and she is trying to find them . Mende feels trapped at a house where she can no feel comfortable being , so she tries her best to scape from there but it is not easy, the owner’s of the house have her on check. Mende feels horrible , she feels completly alone , with nobody in her life so she must do something befeore anything else bad happens. ‘I want to be free” she says . Based on what i’ve read , i predict that Mende will suffer so much before she reunite with her parents again and finally be free and happy again.

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