Ms. Chintha’s newspaper club team organization foundation of hope and stuff.

For today, we were looking for help from newspaper companies, such as The Washington Post, to help establish our newspaper at George Washington Middle School. We found a couple of E-mails that we can contact, but I still have a couple of questions that I want an answer to. I.e. Will the E-mails that we contact, reply? When will they reply? How well did type and would they understand what we’re saying? We are tying to contact multiple gazettes and newspapers to ask them for a grant to help us make our newspaper. Katherine is mostly trying to find the newspapers so that we can inform them and ask for support in our project. David is mostly help Katherine and I make our grant as fluent and as formal as possible. While I am basically a foundation in helping Katherine find a local newspaper and/or gazette that might help us with our project, and I’m also helping David make our letters and making our paragraphs be more persuasive.

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