
Lies can ruin somebody's life
Lies can cause terrible strife
Lies can cause great pain and harm
Lies can cause great fear and alarm

Lies can kill those so close to you
Not just literally, but in other ways too
Lies can ruin friendships and spark great hate
Old friends hating you is a terrible fate

So don't lie; take the easy way out
It's a straightforward way to avoid others' doubt
Always telling the truth is the right thing to do
So you can have a clean conscience and be regarded as true


That can't possibly be
It's too improbable, you see

There is no way
That this could possibly happen today



You can deny it all you want
It's easy to act always nonchalant 
You can easily say "No way!"
Yet it can and it does happen today

It's easy to look the other way
"I didn't see that" is easy to say
It's easy to deny the truth under your nose
It happens a lot; that's just how it goes

It's easy to ignore the obvious truth
It's easy to deny old age in your youth
It's easy to ignore what's far away
It's easy to wish thoughts of the hungry away

But no matter what you convince yourself
The hungry are there despite all your wealth
So don't deny it; don't say "No"
Because your lies will haunt you wherever you go