Free Money

What can free money do? 
even if its just a dollar, a dime, a penny? 
what can that do? It can change us?
How can it change us? 
Why would you want a little penny?

Why does money mean you are a better person,
all of a sudden?
Does it? 
Why is it a symbol of race, a hotbed of 
ultra negative stereotypes?

Why does money control us, the world, safety, education, 
healthcare?power? why? What decisions can money make 
for you? How about your family? Your friends? 

why does money make our lives better or worse? 
can a penny really do that?
It is free money.

Free Money

Free money.
It would be great
for families everywhere.
No more worries about finances
Everything would be easier

Unless. . .

It changes you
Makes you greedy and evil
The once inspiring George Washington
is now an enemy to those
under the spell
of greed.

Unless. . . 

You have control
Spend wisely
Although it is hard, 
Never give in
to the power 
of free money
If you do this
You will go far in life

Unless. . .