Mid-Mission Reflection Anne

Mission Topic, Purpose, and Hypothesis

Have you ever gotten in trouble for missing an after school activity? Or a meeting after work? Well this mission is just the start of people being heard. Our mission is to improve our morning announcements in our school. The purpose of our mission is to help students to be more interested in listening to the announcements, therefore be informed. Our hypothesis is that if we improve our morning announcements, then students will understand and know what’s going around school. This way students won’t miss anything that’s happening at or around school.

Real World Skills I’ve Learned

I’ve learned many skills during this process. Three real world skills I learned were, how to conduct interviews, how to take something and break it down in order to get information, and managing my time better. I can use these skills outside of the classroom to support homework time. If I were to have a job in the future these three skills would be a major support. One, if I were to do multiple interviews, I would have to know how to do them, two maybe break down the interviewee’s information. Finally three, i would need to manage my time to get from one interview to another. Some class skills are the most important in life.

Challenges I/we have Encountered

Throughout this period there were only a few challenges came up. We had trouble finding and reading grants. We weren’t sure what to Google search in order to start our research, and once we found a grant we weren’t able to understand it. Finding a sponsor for our project was difficult as well, Someone who would support us time wise. Overall we did a good job overcoming these challenges.

Solutions We Tried Out

As these challenges went on, we tried some solutions. Some solutions we tried out are getting information from primary sources. Such as interviewing a faculty member in our school. This interview was a big step in our project, we got a huge amount of information. From that information we learned that we didn’t need a grant because we already had all of the equipment needed. Without the interview we would be close to nowhere.

Next Steps

We’ve gotten very far in this project, but there’s a lot more to be done. Next, we need to get everything started. This includes setting up the closed circuit television, this is a channel that only our school is able to see. After that is sorted out, we can go from there. We also need to produce a schedule for our sponsor and find out when they can and can not help out. There are many small things to do, but the big things are the first on our list.

Favorite Part of The Process

There were many enjoyable parts in this process. My favorite part was by far the interview. The person we interviewed was very outgoing and helpful. He understood us and what we were trying to do. This man informed us that in earlier years there was a television show, this was one of our most helpful pieces of information. If we were to do another interview we would know better what to ask and what to write down. Our mission time was a great learning experience.


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