Mid-Mission Reflection Elisa

Mission Topic, Purpose, and Hypothesis

Our mission is updating the morning announcements. Who doesn’t love a television show broadcasted by kids? How cool would that be? Our group is trying to make a broadcast or a show to inform students on current events at school. The purpose of our mission is to inform the students in a more effective way, instead of listening to an old and dying loudspeaker. Our hypothesis is that if we make the broadcast possible, then students will be informed on events, meetings and intramural easily and more effectively.

Real World Skills I’ve Learned

Three skills that I have learned through this process is to keep persevering, work at my best, and accept a challenge at any given time. I can use these three skills outside the classroom to be successful through life. Persevering will help me overcome any challenges faced and never give up, no matter the situation. Working at my best will improve grades for school and can open up opportunities when I’m older, like nice and rewarding jobs. Learning to accept a challenge will not only be rewarding in the future, but can grow a habit if I learn to never give up on something that I have been striving for.

Challenges We/I Encountered

Three challenges we encountered were losing focus occasionally, not working as a group too often, and not getting grants that we were looking for. We really struggled trying to find a way for all of us to contribute to the mission in an equal manor. As a group, we also struggled to find sponsorships and grants as a group. We had a lot done as a group, but we all know we should’ve contributed more towards our goal.

Solutions We Tried Out

Some solutions that we tried to overcome our challenges were using Google Documents to work towards our E-Mails and grants, and we also tried to partner up, so we could’ve gotten more accomplished. The Google Documents helped dramatically and we have many folders that we created that we have been working on. The partnership also worked, so we didn’t struggle while working independently. If we needed support, we knew that our partner would help.

Next Steps

Next, we need to contact two people who can help with sponsorships. Both of them are willing to support our morning announcements idea, and will be a perfect opportunity to get sponsorships. We are working on G-Mail and Google Documents to write an E-Mail to either of the two, so our group knows what to do to proceed in the project.

Favorite Part of Process

My favorite part of this process was getting to explore the different members in ACPS willing to help with our mission. We got to meet with Mr. McDonough, who taught our group a lot about closed circuited televisions, and we appreciated his time and effort on helping. Our group is excited to meet with others who will help in making this mission possible.

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