Mid-Mission Reflection John

Mission Topic, Purpose, and Hypothesis

Wouldn’t you want to get noticed for good behavior and achievements around and outside the school?  For example, if you were to get the highest test grade in the class or if you were to stay after school and help your teacher clean the classroom just out of pure generosity.  The Mission that my group is doing will make that possible.  The mission that we have selected is that we will add a shout-out section to our school Twitter feed.  This Twitter feed will shout-out outstanding behavior, great achievements, and students that help around the community.  This Project will benefit the school by motivating students to use better behavior more frequently and helping other people out more often.  Our group concluded that if we create a school Twitter feed, then it will inspire kids to try harder behavior wise and do good things.

Real World Skills I’ve Learned

This Mission project has taught me lots of skills that I will need later on in life or outside of the classroom.  I have learned to turn bad situations around, communicate to adults and teachers, and how to successfully work with my group through hard situations.  I can use these skills outside of the classroom to turn bad situations around, later in life, communicate with my elders/bosses, and to work well with my work companions whenever we have to work together to complete challenges.  All of these skills that I’ve learned during our mission will be vital later in life.  For instance, if one day I have to ask for a raise from my boss and I don’t know the right way to ask for it, I probably wont get it.  Or if a group project is going way downhill I will know how to turn it around by communicating with my group.

Challenges We/I Encountered

Out of the three main challenges that we faced, by far the biggest one was our topic struggle.  Originally, we were going to help our schools salad bar because we thought that the salad bar was lacking.  The problem with this was that nobody in our group bought school lunch or has ever used the salad bar.  As a result, after doing further research we found that the salad bar was actually run very well.  Because of this we had to switch mission topics to the school Twitter feed.  The next biggest challenge was dividing the work equally.  One day someone would do 75% of the work and the next day someone would do 70% of the work.  It wasn’t so much that we were being lazy but it was that we didn’t communicate very well about the workload.

Solutions We Tried Out

Only about three solutions to overcome our challenges were used .  The first thing we tried to do for the salad bar was that we talked it out.  We did this by sitting down at a circular table and discussing our options.  After a class period of discussion, we knew that we had to change our topic, which was our second solution.  We divided up the workload better by taking the first five minutes of class to decide  who is going to do what.  After devoted the first five minutes of class to that the workload has evened out.

Next Steps

For our next steps, we will need to start up the process of shouting-out kids.  To start this up, we will need to E-mail the teachers that we have selected to give us names of  students that have been performing very well in their classes.  When we get the names of the students, we will E-mail the teacher in charge of the Twitter feed the names and what they did.  Once she gets the E-mail, she will post their names and what they did on Twitter.  We will keep repeating this process until the end of the year.

Favorite Part Of The Process

My definite favorite part of this process was getting two teachers from each grade to join our mission to give us the names of students who have been doing well in their classes.  I enjoyed this process so much because I got to walk around GW2 and meet most of the teachers that I haven’t met yet.  I was also able to build small relationships with these teachers.  This is because I would have small conversations about my group’s mission and, as a result, I got to know the teachers.

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