Nicole’s Mid-Mission Reflection

Mission Topic: Hypothesis and Statement

Are the morning announcements over the intercom at your school?Do ever think the morning announcements are boring? The purpose of our mission is to make the morning announcements more creative by making  a TV show. We think that a TV program will be more engaging to students than having it on the intercom. We think this because if the announcements are on a TV show, then students will listen to them and they will know what’s going on around school. They will get more out of the announcements and they will listen instead of ignoring them because they don’t want to or they can’t hear it because everyone is talking. If they are on a TV show the volume would be louder and everyone could hear it.

Real World Skills I’ve Learned

The skills I’ve learned while working on this project are that if you can’t find a solution, ask someone for help. See if they can help you find a solution.I’ve also learned that if a challenge is hard, persevere through it. You’ll never know if you can do it until you try. If you try, try and try again you can achieve greatness.Another skill that I have learned is that if there is a time when you find people persuading you to stop, don’t listen to them. Don’t let other  people get in the way of your goals.

Challenges We/I Encountered

Three challenges that our group encountered are that when we were trying to find a local new station to support us, we couldn’t find any. Second, a challenge that I faced was when I was sending the e-mail to the news station, I didn’t know what to write. I wrote about what our mission was and what it was for, but I couldn’t think of anything else to write.

Also, our mission group couldn’t really keep track of their stuff. A lot of times people lost what they needed and so they didn’t come prepared to the meeting. We put it somewhere different every time we were done with it, so we didn’t know where it was.  We didn’t get a lot of stuff done when we come unprepared.

Another challenge we faced was that when we were assigning people jobs, a lot of times people got confused and did something that another person was doing or already started on. When that happens, we fight over who gets to do what.

Solutions We Tried Out

Some solutions we tried out was that when we were assigning jobs, we would write down who does what. When someone got confused on what they were supposed to do, we would just show them the paper. But a lot of times we lost the paper, so each time we re-wrote it, we were careful not to lose it.

Another solution that we tried out was that whenever we got a new sheet, we would put it the same place every time when we put it back. That way people didn’t lose their papers and they came prepared to the meeting. Each time when they came prepared, we got a lot more stuff done than when my group members and I didn’t come prepared.

Something that tried when I didn’t know what to write in the e-mail to the local news station, I asked my group members for support. They helped me on what to write and how to say it. It helped me be successful.

Next Steps

The things we need to do next is go after school some days to the TV Production club so they can help us in creating a TV show for the morning announcements. We also need to survey teachers and students and see if they would like to help us in running it. This is going to be mostly student run.  Another thing we need to do is e-mail the staff and administration to get their approval of changing the morning announcements to a TV program.

Favorite Part of the Process

I’ve had a lot of fun parts doing this mission, but if I had to choose one, it would be the part when two of my group members and I went up to the TV Production room and asked Mr. Paul about running a TV program. Me and my group members asked him question about running a TV show. He replied with detailed answers and he gave us a lot of information.

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