Mid-Mission Reflections Nicole

Mission Topic, Purpose, and Hypothesis

“We learn from failure, not from success!”
-Bram Stoker, Dracula. This quote really connects to our group because we didn’t get what we needed in the first call so we kept on calling until we finally got what we were looking for. Our mission is to put up bulletin boards in our school and it’s also one of the most difficult missions. Well, that’s what our group thought because nobody thought someone would donate bulletin boards to our school. The purpose of our mission is to show off the students work, also to let visitors know what students are currently doing, and also to have our school more decorated. Our hypothesis is that if our mission group gets the bulletin boards then we would have our school decorated further  and we can show off not only our work but the whole GW2 work.

Real Word Skills I’ve Learned

Three skills that I have learned through this process are making phone calls we had to talk like professionals and also we had to have a really professional speech, writing professional E-mails we had to use an excellent vocabulary and also write more than one paragraph, and to collaborate with other people that are not close friend but because of this mission I’m now friends with my mission group. I can use there skills outside of the classroom to make more professional phone calls, writing more professional E-mails, and also to collaborate and make more friends.

Challenges We/I Encountered

Four challenges we encountered are having to talk to our principal we tried several times to go to her office but she would never be there , we really needed to talk to her because we had a donator but we needed her to accept their offer and we also still needed to tell her what we were working on. Having a private place for us to make phone calls our group needed the place a few times because we had to call people we couldn’t do it in class because of the noises. When people say no to what we were asking for because we didn’t have more people to call, but we finally found someone who would donate three bulletin boards, and we also needed someone to hang the bulletin boards up for us.

Solution We Tried Out

Some solutions that we tried to overcome our challenges were we E-mailed the principal a day before saying that we needed to talk to her about the offer and our mission group after talking to her she told us that we should E-mail Mr.Gaines and Mr.Godfrey, telling Ms.Chintha before class that our group needed a space for us to make phone calls before she gave it to other group, we also E-mailed Mr.Gaines to ask him if there was any policies that we needed to know about putting the bulletin boards up and also we E-mailed Mr.Godfrey to ask him if he can hang the bulletin boards.

Next Step

  • We need to contact the donator and ask what sizes are the bulletin boards so we can get an idea where to put it
  • We need to write a letter to them explaining what is our mission group and why we need the bulletin boards
  • If we get them we need to contact Mr.Gaines so he can tell us any policies about putting the bulletin boards up
  • Next we have to talk to Mr.Godfrey and ask him if he can hang the bulletin boards


Favorite Part of the Process

My favorite part of this process was to make phone calls because we got to talk to a lot of people and also because it was funny how every time we called and say what we wanted they would say “please wait” and they would let us wait almost 15 minutes, going around GW2 looking for places to put up the bulletin boards was also fun, also to watch how our mission project is growing and developing when we first thought that our project wasn’t going to work.



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