Deer vs. Dog

“Alright, we’re here,” my dad told us looking around the van.

“Ugghh!” I groaned in agony, finally ready to stretch my legs after the multiple-hour car ride.  My dog, Georgia, had been panting and drooling all over me.  I thought it was gross but my siblings thought it was funny.  We had just pulled into the parking lot, or that was what it was supposed to be.  Really, it was just gravel thrown around in an empty lot, and KaPow! it was a parking lot.  Unfortunately, this was a mile away from our cabin, so much for an easy hike.  I had heard these were humongous woods, you could get lost very easily.

As we hopped out of our car, I saw a bunch of Asian people talking outside of their RV.  We had no idea what they were talking about.  I laughed softly, but in my mind I was practically dying from laughter.  It cracked me up the way they spoke with their inflections, they must have been Chinese.  I should know, I’m a quarter Chinese!  In good time, we started unpacking our huge camping backpacks from the van and began hiking.

“Hold onto the dog,” and “watch out for Georgia.”  My mom was frantic about our dog and was acting really worried.  Even though this was the first time we had ever taken my dog out camping, I was confident that she would not run away.

On the other hand, my dad was all, “You can take the leash off,” and “She won’t run away, she’ll be fine.”  Inside, I was thinking about how different my parents opinions were about everything, ha!  I totally agreed with my dad, she will be perfectly fine.

After about a half a mile, we came across a enormously, thick tree that had fallen in the middle of the path!  My parents were tall enough to go over the log, but the rest of my family had to find another way through.  By siblings and I passed over our packs.  Now we were half as small as we used to be with the packs.  Then, we all rolled under.

“Ewww!” my sister squirmed as she gets her clothes dirty.  My dog, Georgia, leaped over the log easily.  When we arrived on the other side, I slung my bag on my pack and proceeded to hike.

The hill was beautiful!!  There was a stream rolling down the hill and a lush forest on the upside of the steep slope.  As the sun was setting, the trees shined a glowing mixture of yellow and orange.  I had never seen anything more magnificent!  Caw!  Caw!  Up in the sky there was a flock of crows covering parts of the sky with the darkness and beating off dark, black wings.  It scared me so I went around the hill to escape the blackness.

Then, around the corner the was a miniature, hideous… outhouse!!  I thought to myself, this is what our bathroom is?!?  I crept up to it and peeked inside.  There were spiders EVERYWHERE!!  In every corner, behind the toilet, and even inside the toilet!!  It was revolting.  I had just decided then and there that I was NOT going to use it this trip, little did I know I would end up using it before the day was done.  I sprinted back to my family in complete disgust and horror.

      Instead of finding my family at the cabin, I saw my siblings trekking up the hill carrying a bucket overflowing with water.

“Hey, Victoria!  Come help us or get the fire going!”  My dad yelled at me from across the field.

I yelled back, “Okay.”  I was so disgusted by the spiders, I was happy to do ANYTHING.  Georgia, who loved the outdoors, was prancing around them in happy little circles to “keep them safe,” as she was a very protective dog.

      Then all of a sudden, David yelled “-EER!” and of course, my dog perked up and turned around.  She will chase anything, even if we have the sprinkler on, she feels like she has to chase it away.  She spies the deer and takes off after it faster than the blink of the eye.  The only thing I saw when I jerked around was the tail of a doe and my dog chasing after it.  Even though she was very old, Georgia can still run super fast. Olivia and I shot after the pair of animals into the forest.  I was so afraid that we might lose her!

“Hurry up slowpoke!” Olivia runs ahead of me, I’m no athlete.  After we finally caught our breath, we started walking around for a while scouring the woods for as far as we could see.  When we are about to give up and get my parents, we see my dog looking around and sniffing.  I guess the deer had outrun her.  Then, I decided to play a game after I got her on the leash.  I was going to be a deer hunter!  After about 20 minutes, I headed back to the cabin with my sister and dog.  When we got there my parents were astounded by our ability to catch up with Georgia.  After we told them the whole story, we sat down to have dinner and smores.  I knew from now on, keeping an eye on my dog was top priority.

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