Nascar Driving

    Me and my friend Jerome were at Myrtle Beach and we went Nascar driving and we were going so fast in the cars I felt a fresh breeze in my face. Then we went on this obstacle course and it looked hard. When we went in the cars I was the first one in the row so I started off first and when I turned it was really hard because the turn is so little. Then I started to get the hang of this and it was getting easy. My mom was taking pictures and I wasn’t looking in front of me and I didn’t notice that there was a car in front of me that had crashed with another car. I crashed into them and I hurt myself but I was okay. I had to get out of the car because it was smoking a lot. My mom screamed are you okay and I said yea. I went out and I was looking at the guy pushing the car to the side. Then he was getting to tools to fix it. When he was getting the tools the car started to catch on fire then it got even bigger and I screamed fire. The guy looked back and he got the fire extinguisher and he ran and when he got there he stopped the fire. Everybody went out of the race track and they went to a different race track. The guy closed the track for the whole day because of the incident.


Jerome and I went to an easier track and we were having so much fun. We went on the track 3 times because it was easy and you only had to go in circles. The first two times I had a car that didn’t go that fast. The third time I got a fast car and I liked it. The car was red it had nice wheels and the seat was really soft. My friend Jerome got a sucky car because his color of the car was coming out and the seat cover was ripping off. But he didn’t care because his car went fast like mine. Jerome and I were having a race and it was a challenge. His car was really fast and my car was fast but not as fast as his car. We were bumping into each other and I sometimes got out of control because he bumped me so hard. I saw some of the color of his car coming out. When it was our last lap I got worried because he was ahead of me. Then I started to go faster and I was catching up and he was looking at me getting close to me. When I passed him he was trying to catch up to me and I was nervous but I saw the finish line getting closer and I beat him. He was mad and kept saying I cheated. Then I said yea sure I cheated.


    When we finished every ride I was sad because I wanted to ride even more. I asked my mom if I can go and ride even more but she didn’t know. We bought a snack and ate all together. Then she told me that I was aloud to go two more times. I went to give the guy the money and he gave us the two more tickets. Jerome and I ran to the rides and we went in the cars. We were having so much fun. When we got off the car we ran to another ride since the line was short. Jerome and I were going so fast that we were passing everyone. When we got off the ride i was happy. I told my mom thank you. She gave me a hug and we went to go buy lunch. I got a Hamburger. My mom got a salad. Jerome got chicken tenders and it was so delicious.


    We went back to the hotel and I jumped on my bed and relaxed. We had so much fun. Jerome and I were talking about how much fun we had. Then I told my mom next year we should come again. She said yes we should come back next year. Then we ran out of the room and went to go eat dinner at Chipotle.



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